[Ulises criollo original manuscript] /

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vasconcelos, José, 1881-1959 (Author)
Related Items:Contained in: Bohemia (Havana, Cuba : 1910)
Global Resources Program:Latin American Materials Project (LAMP)

Manuscript Monograph Microform

Note that CRL will digitize material from the collection when copyright allows.

Item Description:Title supplied by cataloger.
Microfilm introductory frame lists number of leaves as 433. Original manuscript leaves actually numbered 1-27 in handwritten script and constitute a hand edited copy of a serialized article titled "Odiseo en Aztlan / José Vasconcelos" assembled from pages removed from two or more 1934 issues of Bohemia (Havana, Cuba : 1910). Remainder of leaves constitute typescript manuscript and are numbered 1-402 in handwritten script and 160-569 in typescript.
Physical Description:[433?] leaves.
27, 402 leaves.