Louisville Anzeiger.

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Bibliographic Details
Published: Louisville, Ky. : Doern & Scheeffer, -1938.
Related Items:Other edition available: Louisville Anzeiger (Louisville, Ky. : Semiweekly)
Other edition available: Sonntags-post (Louisville, Ky.)
Other edition available: Wöchentlicher Louisville Anzeiger
Weekly eds.: Louisville Anzeiger (Louisville, Ky. : Weekly); Südliche Anzeiger (non-extant?). Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Sunday ed.: Westliche Blätter. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Sunday ed. has supplement: Erheiterungen (non-extant?). Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.


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Published:-Jahrg. 90 (4. Marz 1938)
Item Description:Sometimes published as: Täglicher Louisville Anzeiger.
Published from the same office, <1849>: Louisville advertiser (non-extant?)
Called: "Tägliche Ausgabe," <Sept. 10, 1874>
Sunday ed. has running title: Sonntagsblatt des Louisville Anzeiger, <1876>
Publishers: Georg Philip Doern, 1849-1877; Louisville Anzeiger Co., 1877-1938.
Editors: Otto Scheeffer, 1849-1852; Louis Stierlin, 1851-1852, 1856-1870; Theodor Dietsch, 1852-1853; Ludwig Wittig, 1853-1854; Karl Resch, 1854-1856; W.B. Schirach, <1874-1877>
Democratic, 1849-1832; Independent, 1933-1938. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Description based on: Jahrg. 1, Nr. 229 (3. Jan. 1849)
Physical Description:v.
Publication Frequency:Weekly, 1937-1938.
Related Items:Weekly eds.: Louisville Anzeiger (Louisville, Ky. : Weekly); Südliche Anzeiger (non-extant?). Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Sunday ed.: Westliche Blätter. Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Sunday ed. has supplement: Erheiterungen (non-extant?). Cf. Arndt & Olson. German lang. press.
Place of Publication:United States -- Kentucky -- Jefferson -- Louisville.