Abūlkalām Azād kī tārīḵẖī shikast : Taḥrīk-i Pākistān kā ek nāqābil-i farāmosh bāb

Collection of writings on the role played by the Indian nationalist Muslim religious scholars against the Pakistan movement, 1921-1947, with special reference to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, 1888-1958.

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Bibliographic Details
Published: Lāhaur (2/24 Soḍīvāl Kālonī, Multān Roḍ, Lahore) : Maktabah-yi Ri̤zviyah : (Posṭ Baks 1996) : milne ke pate, ʻAẓīm Pablīkeshanz, 1980.


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