توثيق جمعية علم النفس الأمريكية APA (الطبعة السابعة)

Punjab (India). Economic and Statistical Organisation. Index numbers of parity (statistical analysis) between prices received and prices paid by farmers in Punjab. Economic Adviser to Government.

توثيق أسلوب شيكاغو (الطبعة السابعة عشر)

Punjab (India). Economic and Statistical Organisation. Index Numbers of Parity (statistical Analysis) Between Prices Received and Prices Paid by Farmers in Punjab. Punjab: Economic Adviser to Government.

توثيق جمعية اللغة المعاصرة MLA (الطبعة الثامنة)

Punjab (India). Economic and Statistical Organisation. Index Numbers of Parity (statistical Analysis) Between Prices Received and Prices Paid by Farmers in Punjab. Economic Adviser to Government.

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