Administration report of the Probation Branch of the Jail Department in Tamil Nadu.

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awdur Corfforaethol: Tamil Nadu (India). Jail Dept. Probation Branch
Cyhoeddwyd: Madras : [Tamil Nadu Jail Dept.]
Eitemau Perthynol:Yn parhau: Administration report of the jails in Tamil Nadu: Probation Branch.
Global Resources Program:South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)

Dogfen y Llywodraeth Cyfresol Microform

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(o) 82/60310 1975-1977; 1979;

Item List

Disgrifiad Local Call Number Statws
1975 (o) 82/60310 Ar gael
1976 (o) 82/60310 Ar gael
1977 (o) 82/60310 Ar gael
1979 (o) 82/60310 Ar gael