Nova Britannia : offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia : exciting all such as be well affected to further the same

A booklet entitled "Nova Britannia: Offerning most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia," by Robert Johnson, and printed in London in 1609. This sermon included discussions of religion, colonization and increasing Britain's prestige.

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Bibliografische gegevens
Hoofdauteur: Johnson, Robert, active 1586-1626
Gepubliceerd in: London : Printed for Samvel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls church-yard, at the signe of the bul-head, 1609.
Reeks:LLMC-digital (Series)
Online toegang:LLMC Digital
Gerelateerde Items:Print version: Noua Britannia, offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia.

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