
International Geological Congress. (1984). Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic excursions: 024, glacial deposits of Byelorussia : 15 Byelorussian potassium-bearing basin : guidebook. Nauka i Tekhnika.


International Geological Congress. Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Excursions: 024, Glacial Deposits of Byelorussia : 15 Byelorussian Potassium-bearing Basin : Guidebook. Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika, 1984.


International Geological Congress. Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Excursions: 024, Glacial Deposits of Byelorussia : 15 Byelorussian Potassium-bearing Basin : Guidebook. Nauka i Tekhnika, 1984.

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