Finance accounts /

共著者: Goa, Daman and Diu (India), India. Comptroller and Auditor-General
出版事項: [New Delhi?] : Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, [ -1988]
Global Resources Program:South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)

政府資料 逐次刊行物 Microform

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(o) 85/60195 1982/1983-1986/1987; Apr 1/May 29, 1987

Item List

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その他の書誌記述 Local Call Number 状態
1982/1983 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1982/1983 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1983/1984 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1983/1984 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1984/1985 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1984/1985 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1985/1986 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1985/1986 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1986/1987 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
1986/1987 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
Apr 1/May 29 1987 (1 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可
Apr 1/May 29 1987 (2 of 2) (o) 85/60195 利用可