Viśvanātha Kāśinātha Rājavāḍe : vyakti, vicāra, va kārya

Biography of V.K. Rajwade, 1863-1926, historian from Maharashtra, India.

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awdur: Khānolakara, Gaṅgādhara Devarāva
Cyhoeddwyd: Puṇẽ : Gaṇeśa Mahādeva āṇi Kampanī, 1933.
Cyfres:SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project ; item 31413.
Kai. Vināyaka Lakshmaṇa Bhāve caritra mālā ; pustaka 5 vẽ
Eitemau Perthynol:Online version: Viśvanātha Kāśinātha Rājavāḍe.
Global Resources Program:South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)

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