Indian National Science Academy
The Indian National Science Academy (INSA) is a national academy in New Delhi for Indian scientists in all branches of science and technology.In 2015 INSA has constituted a junior wing for young scientists in the country named Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) in line with other national young academies. INYAS is the academy for young scientists in India as a national young academy and is affiliated with Global Young Academy. INYAS is also a signatory of the declaration on the Core Values of Young Academies, adopted at World Science Forum, Budapest on 20 November 2019. Prof Ashutosh Sharma is the serving president (2023-present). Provided by Wikipedia
1Published 1968### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>Delhi, Union Catalogue Division, National Science Library [1968]v, 253 p. 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
2New Delhi, The Institute.10 volumes 22-25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
3Published 1955### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi : The Institute, [1955-1969]15 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
4Published 1955### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi : The Institute, [1955-1969]15 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
5New Delhi.2 v. ports. 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
6Published 1970### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi : National Institute of Sciences of India, [1970-v. ; 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
7Published 1968### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi, National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968.217 p. illus. 24 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
8Published 1968### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi, National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968.viii, 221 p. 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
9Published 1968### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi, National Institute of Sciences of India, 1968-69.2 v. illus., maps (part fold.) 26 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
10Published 1966### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi, India : National Institute of Sciences of India, 1966?-v. : ill. ; 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”
11Published 1970### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>New Delhi, Indian National Science Academy [1970]ii, ii, 182 p. illus. 25 cm.“...National Institute of Sciences of India...”